do spiders like light




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Are you noticing more spiders around your home and wondering if they’re drawn to the lights? It’s a common question whether these eight-legged creatures prefer the brightness or shy away from it.

In this article, we’ll uncover the truth about spiders and their relationship with light, equipping you with knowledge to understand their behavior better. Get ready for some illuminating facts!

Key Takeaways

  • Spiders are not attracted to light itself, but to the insects that light attracts.
  • Light indirectly lures spiders by drawing in bugs, which serve as their prey.
  • Understanding the relationship between spiders and light can help manage them effectively in homes by minimizing misconceptions about their preferences.

Exploring the Attraction: Do Spiders Like Light??

A spider illuminated by a beam of light in a dark environment.

Many people believe that spiders are attracted to light, but the truth may surprise you. Let’s uncover the real relationship between spiders and light.

Misconceptions about Spiders and Light

People often think spiders are drawn to light. This belief has led many folks to use bright lights to keep these eight-legged creatures away. But it’s not the light that spiders want; they really like the bugs that buzz around it.

Bugs are attracted to LED lights, and since spiders eat these insects, they hang out where their dinner is most likely showing up.

Light does attract some types of spiders but not because they love the light itself. For example, warm spots can make a cozy home for them on colder days or nights. So while a few might come close looking for heat or food, many others don’t care about light at all and prefer staying hidden in dark corners or under things where it’s nice and shady.

They’re more interested in finding a quiet spot than chasing after brightness.

The True Relationship Between Spiders and Light

Spiders don’t run towards light like some bugs do. Instead, they often hide in dark places during the day and come out at night. At night, lights turn on and many insects get drawn to them.

Spiders wait nearby because that’s where their next meal might fly by.

Nocturnal spiders are the ones you’ll see more often near light after dark. They use this time to hunt for food since their prey is active around lights too. This doesn’t mean spiders love light itself; they’re just smart hunters using it as a tool to catch bugs.

– The Different Types of Spiders and Their Preferences

The Different Types of Spiders and Their Preferences

A photo of various spiders crawling on different surfaces at night.

Explore the fascinating world of nocturnal and diurnal spiders, with insights into their unique hunting habits in light and dark environments. Learn about common house spiders and how they navigate between light and dark habitats.

Nocturnal Spiders: Creatures of the Dark

Some spiders love the dark and become active at night. They have special skills to help them live without light. These spiders feel home in the nighttime, using their sense of touch and vibration to find food and stay safe.

They don’t need eyes that see well in the dark because they can “hear” every little move around them with their legs.

Nocturnal spiders make webs or hunt when it’s dark, staying hidden during the day. Their world is made of sounds and shakes more than what we can see with our eyes. With such different ways of living, these creatures show us there’s a whole other life going on when we turn off the lights for sleep.

Diurnal Spiders: Daytime Hunters

Diurnal spiders are active during the day. They hunt for prey and build their webs in daylight. Jumping spiders, for example, are diurnal hunters known for their keen vision and agile hunting techniques.

As novices learn about spider behavior, understanding the difference between diurnal and nocturnal spiders can help manage them better.

Next, let’s explore how common house spiders adapt to light and dark habitats.- Common House Spiders: Light vs. Dark Habitats.

Common House Spiders: Light vs. Dark Habitats

Common house spiders are skilled at surviving in indoor spaces, such as storage areas and closets. They prefer dark hiding spots and avoid light. Their prey, like insects, are attracted to light, but these spiders tend to stay away from it.

Instead of being near sources of light, they actively seek out dark places inside homes.

These spiders have adapted well to indoor habitats and can be found in secluded areas like attics or basements. While some spider species may be drawn to light near windows, common house spiders usually choose the darkness over the light when looking for a place to make their home.

Why Spiders May Appear to Like Light

Spiders may appear to like light because it indirectly attracts their prey, such as insects. Additionally, light can disorient them and make it easier for spiders to catch their next meal.

Indirect Attraction: The Hunt for Prey

Spiders are not directly drawn to light, but they use it as a hunting tool. The bugs that gather around lights attract spiders due to their prey. LED lights lead to the gathering of bugs, creating a chain reaction in nature and indirectly luring spiders.

Spiders follow the light to find their next meal, rather than being specifically attracted to the light itself. Their ability to use light for travel and prey-hunting plays a significant role in their behavior.

The positioning of spider webs influences prey capture, with spiders having more success in low-light environments. Additionally, orb-weaving spiders positioned in lit areas catch more available prey (light-attracted insects) and have better body condition due to this indirect attraction towards the well-lit areas populated by insects swarming around artificial lighting sources.

Light as a Disorientation Tool

When considering the behavior of spiders, it’s essential to understand that light can play a crucial role in their movement. For many common house spiders, light can serve as a disorientation tool, causing them to lose their sense of direction.

In microgravity conditions, spiders have been observed using light to help orient themselves when they become disoriented.

LED lights, especially those that emit heat, may also attract bugs and spiders because insects are naturally drawn to warmth. This serves as an indirect attraction for spiders towards sources of light in search of potential prey.

Insights into Specific Spider Types

Do Crab Spiders Bite?? Learn more about the behavior and characteristics of these unique spiders and how to handle encounters with them.

Do Crab Spiders Bite?

Crab spiders rarely bite people. If they do, their venom is generally not harmful to humans. While giant crab spider bites can be painful, they are not considered dangerous. Therefore, encountering a crab spider should not cause significant concern as they pose little threat to humans.

Tips for Managing Spiders in Your Home

Keep windows and doors sealed, use warm-colored LED light bulbs to deter spiders, and consider using white vinegar or natural aromas to repel them. It’s also important to keep outdoor lighting minimal as it can attract insects, which in turn attract spiders.

Strategies to Deter Spiders

To keep spiders away from your home, here are some effective strategies you can use:

  1. Thoroughly clean and declutter your home to eliminate hiding spots for spiders.
  2. Seal all gaps and cracks in windows, doors, and walls to prevent spiders from entering your home.
  3. Use a vinegar spray as a natural spider deterrent on areas where spiders may enter or hide.
  4. Place peppermint oil – soaked cotton balls in different areas of your home to repel spiders with its strong scent.
  5. Install warm – colored LED light bulbs outside to reduce attracting insects that could lure spiders closer to your home.
  6. Regularly remove any cobwebs and spider egg sacs to discourage spiders from nesting in your home.
  7. Consider using a spider catcher device to safely remove any spiders found indoors without harming them.

Using Light to Your Advantage

To deter spiders, using light strategically can help. Consider placing outdoor lights away from doors and windows to reduce the attraction of insects and subsequently spiders towards entry points.

Inside, use yellow or sodium vapor lights that are less attractive to insects, thus reducing the food source for spiders.

Additionally, consider using motion-activated lights outdoors to discourage spider-friendly environments. Moreover, keeping indoor lighting levels low can minimize the visibility of attractants for both insects and spiders.


In conclusion, spiders are not exactly attracted to light itself. They are drawn to the insects that light lures in. This indirect attraction explains why spiders may appear to like light.

Understanding this relationship can help manage spiders effectively without relying solely on misconceptions about their preferences towards light. By being aware of these nuances, you can create a more spider-friendly environment in your home.


1. Do spiders like light?

Most spiders do not like light. They prefer dark places, which is why you often find cellar spiders in corners or black widows in hidden spots.

2. Can spiders see colors?

Spiders have dichromatic vision, meaning they can see two colors, usually green and ultraviolet light. But many are color blind and don’t care about colors when making their webs.

3. Does light affect how a spider makes its silk?

No, the silk production of spiders like brown recluse or wolf spiders doesn’t depend on light. They make their strong silk no matter if it’s light or dark around them.

4. Are there any types of lights that attract spiders?

Actually, some lights do draw in bugs that can be food for spiders, so indirectly ultraviolet rays from certain lights might seem to attract them but they’re really after the bugs.

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