how to get rid of yellow sac spiders




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Have you spotted a few too many eight-legged guests lurking in the corners of your home? Yellow sac spiders, known for their nightly hunts and distinctive silk retreats, could be to blame.

Through practical tips and proven methods, this blog will arm you with everything you need to clear out these unwelcome arachnids. Stay tuned for a spider-free peace of mind!

Key Takeaways

  • Identify yellow sac spiders by their pale color, elongated bodies, and distinctive silk retreats in corners and behind furniture.
  • Keep your home clean, seal entry points, use insecticides or traps, and consider natural remedies like essential oils and diatomaceous earth to effectively control yellow sac spider populations.
  • Use peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil to deter spiders while sleeping. Also, maintain a clutter-free bedroom and use specific light bulbs outside your home that are less attractive to insects.

Identifying Yellow Sac Spiders

A close-up photo of a yellow sac spider in its tube-like sac.

Yellow sac spiders are small, pale yellow to beige in color, and have a slightly elongated body. They typically build their silky, tube-like sacs in corners of rooms and behind furniture.

Look out for signs of infestation such as egg sacs and webs near entry points.

Appearance and Habitat

Yellow sac spiders have a pale color and can be yellow, greenish-yellow, or beige. They have two front fangs they use to bite and are often mistaken for the brown recluse spider. These spiders like living both inside and outside.

You might see them in your garden, under rocks, or near wood piles.

They make small silk sacs for hiding during the day. At night they go out to hunt close by their homes. Look for these silk retreats where walls touch ceilings, behind pictures, and in corners indoors.

Outdoors you’ll find them under things lying on the ground or in tall grasses and bushes.

Signs of an Infestation

You may know yellow sac spiders are around if you see them walking on plants or hiding under dead leaves. They like these spots and might show up in your yard. Inside, look for small silk sacs they make as homes, often in corners or by ceilings.

Seeing a lot of spiders can mean there are many more hidden away.

Small bites that itch could be from spider bites, including those from yellow sac spiders. Pay attention if you find new bites when you wake up; it might mean these pests are close by.

If you spot these signs, it’s time to think about how to control the spider problem. Let’s talk about steps to keep your home free from yellow sac spiders.

Effective Strategies for Yellow Sac Spider Control

A clutter-free home with spider traps and varying nature photography.

To effectively control yellow sac spiders, it’s important to first clean and declutter your home to limit potential hiding spots. Sealing entry points and using insecticides or spider traps can also help reduce the spider population in your home.

Cleaning and Decluttering

Yellow sac spiders like to hide in messy places. Keeping your house clean can help you avoid these pests.

  1. Start by sorting your things. Put what you use often in easy-to-reach spots. Items you don’t need, consider giving away or throwing out.
  2. Dust all corners of your rooms. Spiders love to make webs in these spots.
  3. Vacuum everywhere, especially under beds and behind furniture. This sucks up spiders and their egg sacs.
  4. Wash blankets, curtains, and clothes regularly. Hot water helps kill spiders hiding there.
  5. Keep food sealed tight. Open food can attract bugs that spiders eat.
  6. Throw out trash often so it doesn’t pile up.
  7. Store items in plastic bins with lids instead of cardboard boxes which spiders can get into easily.
  8. Fix any leaky pipes or faucets because moisture attracts many pests, including spiders.
  9. Remove stacks of paper, books, and magazines since they are good hiding spots for spiders.
  10. Regularly check under sinks, in closets and the garage for webs or spiders and clean those areas well.

Sealing Entry Points

To prevent yellow sac spiders from entering your home, it’s important to seal off any possible entry points. Here are some effective ways to do this:

  1. Inspect and seal gaps around windows and doors using caulk or weather stripping.
  2. Use copper mesh or black foam to close off larger gaps and cracks in walls and foundations.
  3. Repair damaged window screens and ensure they fit tightly in their frames to keep spiders out.
  4. Install door sweeps on exterior doors to block any potential entry points for spiders.

Using Insecticides and Spider Traps

After sealing entry points to prevent yellow sac spiders from entering your home, you can use insecticides and spider traps to further control their presence. Here are effective strategies for using insecticides and spider traps:

  1. Pyrid Aerosol is a botanical insecticide that can be used as a contact spray to directly target yellow sac spiders in specific areas of your home.
  2. DIY spider traps, such as sticky traps made from cardboard or other materials, can effectively capture yellow sac spiders when placed in areas where they are commonly found.
  3. Consider using liquid insecticides that have residual effects to create a barrier that deters yellow sac spiders from entering your living spaces.

Natural Remedies to Deter Yellow Sac Spiders

If you prefer natural remedies, we’ll discuss how to use essential oils and diatomaceous earth to help deter yellow sac spiders from your home. These methods are safe and effective for keeping the spiders at bay without using harsh chemicals.

Essential Oils

Essential oils can be effective in deterring yellow sac spiders. Here are some essential oils that you can use to keep these spiders away:

  1. Thyme oil: Known for its spider-repellent properties, thyme oil can be a natural and safe way to deter yellow sac spiders from your home.
  2. Sandalwood oil: This fragrant oil can also help in keeping spiders at bay, making it a useful tool in your pest control arsenal.
  3. Clove oil: With its strong aroma, clove oil is an effective deterrent for yellow sac spiders, helping to prevent infestations in your living spaces.
  4. Lemon oil: A natural spider repellent, lemon oil not only deters female spiders but also adds a fresh scent to your home.
  5. Peppermint oil: Another powerful way to keep yellow sac spiders away, peppermint oil is a handy natural remedy to maintain a spider-free environment indoors.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural substance that can effectively kill spiders and other insects. It’s made of tiny, sharp particles that can pierce through the spider’s outer shell, causing them to dry out and die.

You can use Diatomaceous Earth as a safe and chemical-free way to keep spiders away from your home and yard. By sprinkling it in areas where spiders are likely to hide or enter, such as around baseboards, windowsills, and doorways, you can create a barrier that deters spiders without harming pets or humans.

Once you’ve learned about using Diatomaceous Earth to control yellow sac spiders, it’s also important to know how to keep them away while sleeping.

How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

  1. How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping
  • Use essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil to deter spiders. Spiders dislike the strong scents of these oils and will avoid areas where they are applied.
  • Keep your bedroom clutter – free and tidy. Regularly vacuum and dust to eliminate hiding spots for spiders.
  • Install yellow or sodium vapor light bulbs outside your home. These lights are less attractive to insects, which are a food source for spiders.
  • Place spider traps near your bed or around the room to catch any wandering spiders.
  • Seal any cracks or crevices in the bedroom walls and floors to prevent spiders from entering.

[IMPORTANT FACTS]: Yellow sac spiders can bite if provoked but are not aggressive towards humans. They are active at night and commonly found in crawl spaces, basements, and dark corners of homes.

When to Seek Professional Pest Control

If you have tried the DIY methods but still see a large number of yellow sac spiders in your home or business, it might be time to call professional pest control. Dealing with a big spider population can be tough and may require expertise to fully eliminate them.

Additionally, if you have concerns about using insecticides or if someone in your household has allergies, seeking professional help could be the safest option.

It’s important to keep in mind that yellow sac spiders can bite and their bites can cause discomfort. If you’re dealing with an infestation that seems beyond your control, getting assistance from pest management professionals is a practical step toward effectively managing these pests.


In conclusion, getting rid of yellow sac spiders requires thorough cleaning and decluttering. Sealing entry points and using insecticides or spider traps can also help control their population.

Natural remedies like essential oils and diatomaceous earth can deter these spiders, while regular maintenance will keep them away. Remember to seek professional pest control if the infestation becomes too overwhelming.

For more tips on ensuring a spider-free slumber, check out our guide on how to keep spiders away while sleeping.


1. What are yellow sac spiders?

Yellow sac spiders are a type of common house spider known as Cheiracanthium inclusum or Cheiracanthium mildei that may enter homes.

2. Why do yellow sac spiders come into my home?

These spiders may come into your home looking for food and shelter, just like garden pests or cockroaches might.

3. Do yellow sac spiders bite people?

Yes, yellow sac spiders can bite people if disturbed; their bites may feel like a bee sting but they’re not as harmful as bed bug bites.

4. How can I keep yellow sac spiders out of my house?

You should clear away spiderwebs and stop these spiders from getting in by sealing up cracks that might let them inside your home.

5. Are there ways to handle a yellow sac spider invasion without hurting them?

Yes, you can catch the spider carefully and put it outside instead of killing it, treating it kindly like you would with lepidopteran (butterflies and moths) found in the garden.

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